You want an expert to design your wall calendar? Please contact us for more information. We'd be happy to take over the design of your calendar and will submit an offer without obligation.
Each company needs a corporate design for a professional appearance. This is design rules which define the general visual appearance. It includes a corporate font, a font to meet the different requirements. Also one or several colours as well as a visual concept. We will define this rules according to your needs and create a corporate design manual.
When you already have a corporate design or use special design elements, we will design your calendar according to these guidelines.
Share with us your idea and let us design your calendar for you. We know exactly which font to choose and to combine with others, which chromaticity and which colour contrasts are best and we are also familiar with all requirements for the printing. At the end you will receive a ready-for-print-PDF file. Otherwise we can also arrange the printing for you.
The perfect image often needs some post-production. With pleasure we also perform all repro work for you, like contrast, saturation, chromaticity settings and many more.
Your data hasn't been digitalised yet? Have them digitalised now, whether it is a slide, a photograph, an illustration or something completely else.
Typesetting files which were made years ago are today only to a limited extent usable. We convert and complete them for you, so that you can still work with them when using current software.
For complete control over your images we gladly create colourobligatory printouts, so-called proofs. These digital proofs correspond almost to 100% the results of the offset printing. This way you can estimate the chromaticity of your images in advance and if necessary edit them. For printing shops proofs are obligatory before start printing.
You want to design your calendar on your own but need help to create a ready-for-print PDF file? We'll help you doing this. You can send us your data so that we can create print PDF files for you.
Do you just need the right PDF settings? Then you can downlaod them here.
Do you want to have your calendar layouted, designed or edited? Get in touch and describe your request.