Who we are.

We are your first point of contact for all your questions and concerns about calendars.

Portrait of Tobias Köngeter

Tobias Köngeter

Owner, designer and programmer / |||E%403%3A2D%5D%3C%406%3F86E6Co42%3D%3A52C%3A%40%5D56

Portrait of Deborah Köngeter

Deborah Köngeter

Owner, project manager / |||563%40C29%5D%3C%406%3F86E6Co42%3D%3A52C%3A%40%5D56

What about you?

We are looking for more colleagues. You can find an overview of our open positions at www.wirbelwild.com/jobs.html

About us.

Innovation comes from experience. The history of our calendar services and our milestones around the production of calendars.

From an embarrassing mistake to an innovative solution.

For about 10 years, Tobias Köngeter created calendars of all kinds in the prepress of a large print shop. Great patience and concentration were required for the laborious updating of dates and holidays — every year anew. One day, while proofreading a calendar, a colleague laughed out loud because Christmas Eve had been entered there on December 23. Despite the care taken, this obvious error had initially been overlooked in the large amount of calendar information. Tobias realized: There must be a better way to create calendars!

This embarrassing mistake, which we can laugh about today, was the cornerstone for Calidario. Thus began the search and development of novel calendar automations.

Christmas tree

Calendars for everyone

With the creation of simple and complex calendars as well as a printing service, Calidario has now developed into a comprehensive service for calendars, which allows graphic designers to concentrate on creative work.

The service includes:

  1. Simple calendars — monolingual calendars for wall planners, three-month calendars and photo calendars
  2. Complex calendars — multilingual calendars, calendar data from different countries and other calendar types
  3. Printing service — advice and communication regarding formats, papers, inks, finishes, postpress and logistics
Screenshot of the Calidario website from 2015


Calidario is a brand of WirbelWild GbR. We at WirbelWild are a family-run company in the heart of Stuttgart that offers all-round carefree packages in media production. We also pursue a corporate strategy that focuses on sustainability and the common good. Learn more about us at www.wirbelwild.com.



Milestones and successes on our way to becoming an international calendar service provider.


Calidario celebrates its 10th birthday! 🥳

Thanks to our new visual editor, calendars can now be created directly in the browser without the need for your own layout software. At the same time, the editor allows numerous fine adjustments to the calendar in the usual way and generates printable PDF data.

Screenshot of the Calidario WYSIWYG editor.


We are expanding our online calendar configurator. This means that companies now have the opportunity to generate individual and very complex calendars directly in the browser. Calendars can be created in the colours of the corporate design, with your own fonts, multilingual and with public holidays of any number of countries. The generation time is a few seconds.

Individual calendar, multilingual, with public holidays of all European countries.


The Calidario API and the Calidario framework are made publicly available. This means that third parties can now also use Calidario's datasets and all calendar functionalities in their applications.

Screenshot of the Calidario API.


With our umbrella company WirbelWild we win two innovation awards — among others as one of the most innovative companies in the print and media industry — with the software that is also used at Calidario. We are proud of our software and our award!

In the meantime, we implement individual calendar applications for particularly complex calendars.

Deborah Köngeter and Tobias Köngeter at the Druck&Medien Awards (Print and media awards).


A completely new, completely redesigned website goes online. The configurator now has over 20 options to define the desired calendar template. The database behind it contains thousands of holidays, vacation dates, and name days for almost every language and country in the world. Designers from all continents create countless InDesign documents.

Screenshot of the Calidario website from 2017.


Tobias Köngeter programs a first application to generate calendars automatically. To make it available to other designers, it is integrated into a website and goes online. Due to the enormous demand, the desire arises to be able to configure calendar templates even more comprehensively.

Screenshot of the Calidario website from 2015.

The revolution for designers

With its comprehensive data sets, Calidario offers you the possibility to create a calendar template with corresponding data for almost every country on earth.

templates generated

More than
working hours saved

days creativity enabled

Support for


Stored over

More than
name days in stock

More than
vacation dates available